Monday, December 2, 2019

I am working on #3374 (invoice is being printed in landscape orientation) .

It occurs in both extjs and react.

Also, under React, the help text of the print button is “Print a Belgian VAT declaration”. It should be “Create an excerpt in order to print this data record” (which is not the perfect example of an end-user friendly help text, but that’s another ticket).

Under ExtJS the “Clear cache” button is missing.

The base.weasy.html template has:

@page {
    size: {%- block pagesize %}landscape{%- endblock %};

But the default.weasy.html template for lino_xl.lib.bevats.Declaration still was using the set page_size approach:

{%- set page_size = 'portrait' -%}
{%- extends "weasyprint/base.weasy.html" -%}

I reviewed landscape/portrait for all weasy templates and added a section “Weasyprint templates included with the Lino Extensions Library” in weasyprint: Printing documents using WeasyPrint.

The demo database contained two excerpt types “Special Belgian VAT declaration” (instead of only one). I added a test case in Lino Tera : miscellaneous to cover this. The reason was that the std fixture for bevats created a new ExcerptType instead of calling lino_xl.lib.excerpts.ExcerptType.update_for_model().

That’s also why the lino_xl.lib.excerpts plugin must come before any plugin that updates the ExcerptType for Certifiable. This is done automatically now (at least for the VAT plugins) because I added lino_xl.lib.excerpts as a dependency for lino_xl.lib.vat.

Changes in xl, book, presto

TODO: invoices in tera1 have a logo because they use appypdf build method. Those in cosi1 don’t have a logo and use the weasy print method.

Sometimes there is no button to clear the print cache on certifiable objects.

tests weren’t being discovered

Running inv test in lino, xl, tera, amici, … said “Ran 0 tests in 0.000s”. IOW the test suite wasn’t actually being run. most of the tests on these repositories are done in the book, so these are only small test suites. But that’s not an excuse. Small test suite should run as the big ones.

This was a side effect of moving from the setuptools testing to standard unittest testing.

The show_excerpts() function

I opened #3375. We should use the lino_xl.lib.excerpts.doctools.show_excerpts() function more systematically because it is good for both testing and illustrating.

Its only usage is currently a page about excerpts in the German end user documentation for The Eupen variant of Lino Welfare.

The function generates a reSTructuredText list of all generated pdf files of the excerpts in a database. It copies these files to a place where they are available on the Internet. It should be rather in a specs page than in end-user docs. It must run during inv bd, not during inv test. Which means that it can work only in a doctree for which a global demo project has been defined in the file. As currently in the file of the dedocs doctree of the The Eupen variant of Lino Welfare repository:

from lino.sphinxcontrib import configure
configure(globals(), 'lino_welfare.projects.gerd.settings.doctests')

The global demo project for Developer Guide is currently lino_book.projects.max, which exists only because autodoc would fail to import most parts of Lino if no DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is defined.

The comparison should not run during inv bd but during inv test. If a file has changed, it should be copied manually by the developer who reviewed whether the change is okay. The public place for those pdf files should be per demo project and not per doctree. Instead of just copying the files, we should also test whether they have changed (side note: How to compare the content of two pdf files?). For example if we add a specs page with the excerpts of the avanti1 demo project, we would add a directory docs/dl/expected/avanti1 to the books doctree (dl is a conventional name for a directory whose content will automatically get copied to the docs output tree).

This would require that the application-specific specs sections, which are currently in the book, should become separate doctrees. The natural place for the noi specs section is indeed the docs tree of the noi repository.

But if we do this, we must be aware of the fact that quite some specs pages would move from the book to the noi docs, leaving several plugins undocumented. Let’s take the working plugin. It is used only by noi. But the code is part of the xl (and we want it to remain there because it might be used by some future application).

Also consider that if we move the noi specs into the noi repository, noi will depend on book, and the book will no longer be able to refer to these specs. We cannot have a circular dependency between noi and book because that would cause a deadlock in the building and testing workflows. Which means that we would have to write a little demo app in the book if we want to show tested code examples in the docs/specs/working.rst page.

As a proof of concept I moved certain sections from specs/tickets.rst to apps/noi/tickets.rst. Both pages existed already before, but were not yet seriously reviewed for this case. The specs/tickets.rst page now uses the max demo project. That’s what I wanted to test. And it works.

That would mean that the team demo project would move from the book to the noi repository.

Regarding coverage : of course we are moving into a direction where anyway the book cannot cover everything. The script would probably move to a new repository that depends on book, noi, presto and would do nothing else than running inv cov an all these projects and publish the result. Idea to be verified: Maybe we we don’t need to create a new repository! We can use getlino for this. Yes, that sounds good. getlino actually depends on all our projects. One problem is that the book would no longer be able to refer to the getlino doctree. That’s a bit stupid because the docs are currently authored based on this convention.

OMG, this is quite complex! Ticket #3375 will be quite some work and cause some restructuring of documentation. But I feel that this is where we want to go. Not urgent.

Preparing Cosi demos

  • In the JournalsOverview table I added a shortcut to create a new voucher.

    I don’t use the (+) button but the journals lino_xl.lib.accounting.Journal.printed_name field, which turned out to need appropriate default values and their translations.

    For example I had to research correct terms and translations for paycheck, cash book

  • I added a logo to the weasyprint invoices. The logo is currently rendered in the top-right corner of every page. ATM I don’t plan to make the invoice layout configurable via web interface, I think it’s more efficient to have a local template for every site who wants customization. To be observed.

Cannot delete the printable excerpt generated by an invoice

goto cosi1 demo project, runserver, sign in as robin, open the sales invoices, print an invoice. Note that “clear cache” doesn’t work at the moment (that’s another ticket). But “clear cache” is just a shortcut, you can click as well on the value of the “Printed” field. This opens the detail view on the generated excerpt. There you can hit the Delete button and confirm. But that trick doesn’t work under react. It keeps asking whether you want to delete. I guess it is the “b” prefix in the xcallback of the Ajax call, which is "GET /api/excerpts/Excerpts/1?an=delete_selected&fmt=json&rp=weak-key-55&sr=1&xcallback__b%22%5Cxed%5Cxfa%5E%5Cxc4%5Cx04%5Cx91~%5Cx9f%5Cxf5%29%5Cxc7%5Cxc1%5Cxdc%5Cxb1%27%5Cxb7%22=yes&xcallback__b%27%5Cx87f%2C%5Cxecv%5Cxc7%5B%5Cx10%5Cxe5%5Cxdb%5Cx0e%5Cx97%3BF-%5Cxf6%27=yes"

Reverse dependency between getlino and book

An important question for #3375 is the question whether it is good to reverse the dependency between getlino and book. The book would no longer be able to refer to the getlino doctree (using intersphinx). And the getlino docs would then be able to refer to the book.

The Lino installation instructions are currently spread over three pages: one for simple developers, one for becoming a contributing developer, and a third one for installing a production server.

We do not need to move them all from the book to getlino. The only consequence is that we cannot link from the book to individual getlino commands any more.

I ran pp inv clean -b and then pp inv bd pd in order to test whether all dependencies are resolved.

  • The nginx configs for vilma, pronto and avanti were not correct or missing, but I managed to fix them.

Note: what means the following warning (which comes twice for every sudo nginx -t):

nginx: [warn] could not build optimal proxy_headers_hash, you should increase
either proxy_headers_hash_max_size: 512 or proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size: 64;
ignoring proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size

Thanks to this thread for a helpful advice:

$ find /etc/nginx -type f -name "*.conf" -exec grep --color -Hni "proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size"  {} \;
$ find /etc/nginx -type f -name "*.conf" -exec grep --color -Hni "proxy_headers_hash_max_size"  {} \;

IOW I verified that I have no config file that overrides the default values. But if the default values aren’t good, which values are good?

The nginx docs says “if nginx emits the message requesting to increase either hash max size or hash bucket size then the first parameter should first be increased.”

I changed this in our /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. The instruction in the docs wasn’t helpful, but I tried intuitively without really understanding until the warnings were gone.

Yes! It took some time to get everything build again, but the result looks good! I updated Overview diagram.

getlino test suite is failing

I noticed that the getlino test suite was failing with AttributeError: module 'lino.api.dd' has no attribute 'python_2_unicode_compatible'.

Interesting! How can you do final polish for a demo when your test suite is broken!

An obvious error is the ordering of the --dev-repos option when saying:

sudo getlino startsite noi noi1 --batch --dev-repos 'lino noi xl'

This can’t work because the dev-repositories are installed in the given order. If you specify noi before xl, it will install noi first, run pip install -e for noi before having installed xl, and noi requires xl, so it will install the PyPI version.

sudo getlino startsite noi noi1 –batch –dev-repos ‘lino xl noi’

But even this did not work, there was a second error: the run_docker_command() wraps single quotes around the command. That leads to unpredictable result when the command contains itself single quotes. So we must use double quotes:

sudo getlino startsite noi noi1 --batch --dev-repos "lino xl noi"

I had some fun before I understood this, and en passant I did a few optimizations.

I also fixed yet another bug:

/home/lino/lino/env/bin/ line 18: cd: /home/lino/lino/env/repositories/linopull: No such file or directory

The error was in the template:

{% for name in dev_packages.split() -%}
pull {{name}}
{%- endfor %}

Read the Jinja template designer docs about what those dashes after {% or before %} do!

There are still resource warnings popping up:

.../python3.6/site-packages/requests/ ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_UNIX, type=2049, proto=0, raddr=/var/run/docker.sock>