Thursday, March 5, 2020

I was about to commit my work of the last weeks, but then discovered that the daily links in monthly planner are broken.

  • from navigator (works):“ext-comp-1266”,{ “base_params”: { }, “param_values”: { “event_type”: null, “event_typeHidden”: null, “presence_guest”: null, “presence_guestHidden”: null, “project”: null, “projectHidden”: null, “room”: null, “roomHidden”: null, “user”: null, “userHidden”: null }, “record_id”: -1 })

  • from monthly planner cell (doesn’t work):“ext-comp-1269”,{ “base_params”: { “mk”: 0 }, “param_values”: { “event_type”: null, “event_typeHidden”: null, “presence_guest”: null, “presence_guestHidden”: null, “project”: null, “projectHidden”: null, “room”: null, “roomHidden”: null, “user”: null, “userHidden”: null }, “record_id”: [ “18.05.2015”, “19.05.2015”, “20.05.2015”, “21.05.2015”, “22.05.2015”, “23.05.2015”, “24.05.2015” ] })

The TableWithHeaderRow mixin was overkill. Replaced by a class attribute with_header_row.

The difference between get_request_queryset() and get_data_rows() caused problems and requires a special test in DaySlave.get_data_rows(). We want to use the DaySlave mixin for both virtual an database tables.