Monday, December 7, 2020

Summary of my code changes this weekend for #3850.

The detail of a ticket is now more mobile friendly. Comments have a new field emotion. When writing a comment, you do this now by clicking on one of the available emotions. The comments.CommentsByRFC and comments.RepliesByComment slave tables now use again the old summary view instead of the card view.

These changes caused a change in the “summary API”:

qs2summary no longer returns a <p> element but a sequence of html elements. The caller can feed these into any container element, e.g. <p>, <div>, <li> or <td>. It may now yield also a sequence of <p> elements. It returns a flat stream, caring about separators. And now feeds them into a <div> (instead of a <p>)

The get_table_summary() method of lino.modlib.comments.Comments doesn’t use qs2summary because we want to wrap each row in its own paragraph, so we don’t want a flat stream with separators.

Side effect: I wrote the new method Model.add_picker for editing the new lino.modlib.comments.Comment.emotion field of an existing comment, but that turned out to be irritating. Actually you don’t usually want to change the emotion of an existing comment.

The summary of a comment now adds the number of replies. This is done using an annotation.

A comment should not reply to a comment that is about a different owner. TODO: add a data checker to report this condition.

The demo2 fixture of lino.modlib.comments now creates some replies as well.

I changed the button_text for from “⛶” (U+26F6) to “⚹” (U+26B9) because the former wasn’t rendered correctly in my firefox. Same for

TODO: qs2summary() calls summary_row() on each row. We should probably rename this to row2summary(). Maybe also rename lino.core.actors.Actor.preview_limit to summary_limit.

TODO: do we need to see all comments (replies) to a ticket (comment)? ATM we see only the direct replies, there is no longer a way to “expand” a full discussion thread. Maybe use a filter parameter for this.

TODO: the welfare test suite is still failing because I am working on #3581 which is waiting for feedback from Mathieu. I guess they will decide to move the serious data fields of lino_welfare.modlib.esf from the ClientSummary to the Client model.