Monday, August 2, 2021

I committed about 2 weeks of work on #3301. The main changes are in lino_xl.lib.invoicing and lino_xl.lib.orders (both Lino Extensions Library) and the first user is Lino Noi where we can now write service level agreements (periodic invoice generators), so that we can use Lino to write our yearly invoices.

TODO: Lino Presto is still broken. Manual tests in Noi. Make a template for printing an SLA. Write more docs.

Intermezzo: Oops, there is a little problem on GitLab <>`___: already :cmd:`inv prep fails with undefined symbol: pango_context_set_round_glyph_positions. After doing pip install -U weasyprint cffi on my machine, I have it also here. Other people have reported and documented the issue: Weasyprint 53 needs a newer version of Pango, which is not yet available on stable debian. So as a works-for-me, I simply add “weasyprint<52” to Lino’s install_requires.