Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Continued from yesterday.

Trying to understood why presto is still failing. It’s because I tried to optimize things regarding the differentiation between the “partner” and the invoice recipient. Seems that Presto is just the only demo having examples of invoice recipients different from partner, and therefore the only use case where this optimization caused a failure.

I tried to get rid of this difference, but this means that the invoice recipients always receive one invoice per partner, possibly having multiple invoices sent by a single plan. We cannot remove the feature of group invoices. For example an orphan house having 10 children attend to therapies, they want to see the costs separated per child, but they do not want to get 10 invoices every month.

TODO: Lino Presto is still broken. Manual tests in Noi. Make a template for printing an SLA. Write more docs.