Sunday, October 2, 2022

Working on #4436.

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.mathieu.settings.demo')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

I had started (locally) a new plugin as a copy of, with the only change (so far) that the is_social field was now on the job provider, no longer on the job type. My plan was that this might replace its parent in the future. En passant I also had moved all data tables to a separate module

But then I realized that copying the whole jobs plugin is not needed. I made a new plugin lino_welfare.modlib.art60.

With the new art60 contracts we have multiple subcontracts per contract. An art60 contract is between the center and a client, the center is the legal employer and makes an “agreement” with one of their partners (called the “utilizing services”) to take that particular client for that particular period and that particular job. Usually there’s one “agreement” per “contract”. But reality can differ from theory, there can be “movements”.

Centers who don’t want this new feature just don’t install lino_welfare.modlib.art60 and continue to use the as before. Their verbose_name is the same:

>>> show_model_translations(jobs.Contract, art60.Contract, languages="en fr de")
| Name           | en                      | fr                       | de                    |
| jobs.Contract  | Art60§7 job supplyment  | Mise à l'emploi art60§7  | Art.60§7-Konvention   |
|                | Art60§7 job supplyments | Mises à l'emploi art60§7 | Art.60§7-Konventionen |
| art60.Contract | Art60§7 job supplyment  | Mise à l'emploi art60§7  | Art.60§7-Konvention   |
|                | Art60§7 job supplyments | Mises à l'emploi art60§7 | Art.60§7-Konventionen |

Actually art60 even removes jobs.Contract, above test was made with an intermediate version.

>>> show_field_translations(jobs.Contract, languages="en fr de")  
|   |   | Field            | en                                       | fr                                       | de                                       |
| x | x | id               | ID                                       | ID                                       | ID                                       |
| x |   | signer1          | Secretary                                | Secrétaire                               | Sekretär                                 |
| x |   | signer2          | President                                | Président                                | Präsident                                |
| x |   | user             | Author : The person who created this     | Auteur : La personne qui a créé ce       | Autor : Die Person, die diesen Vertrag   |
|   |   |                  | contract.                                | contrat.                                 | erstellt hat.                            |
|   | x | company          | Organization : Pointer to Company.       | Organisation : Pointer to Company.       | Organisation : Pointer to Company.       |
|   | x | contact_person   | Represented by : Pointer to Person.      | Represented by : Pointer to Person.      | Represented by : Pointer to Person.      |
|   | x | contact_role     | Represented as : The optional Role of    | Represented as : The optional Role of    | Represented as : The optional Role of    |
|   |   |                  | the contact_person within company.       | the contact_person within company.       | the contact_person within company.       |
| x |   | printed_by       | Printed : ForeignKey to the Excerpt      | Imprimé : ForeignKey to the Excerpt      | Gedruckt : ForeignKey to the Excerpt     |
|   |   |                  | which certifies this instance.           | which certifies this instance.           | which certifies this instance.           |
| x |   | client           | Client : The client for whom this        | Bénéficiaire : The client for whom this  | Klient : The client for whom this        |
|   |   |                  | contract is done.                        | contract is done.                        | contract is done.                        |
| x |   | language         | Language : The language of this          | Langue : The language of this contract.  | Sprache : The language of this contract. |
|   |   |                  | contract. Default value is the client’s  | Default value is the client’s language.  | Default value is the client’s language.  |
|   |   |                  | language.                                |                                          |                                          |
| x |   | applies_from     | applies from : The start date of the     | Début de contrat : The start date of the | Laufzeit von : The start date of the     |
|   |   |                  | contract.                                | contract.                                | contract.                                |
| x |   | applies_until    | applies until : The planned end date of  | Fin prévue : The planned end date of     | Laufzeit bis : The planned end date of   |
|   |   |                  | this contract.                           | this contract.                           | this contract.                           |
| x |   | date_decided     | date decided : When the contract was     | Décidé le : When the contract was        | Beschlossen am : When the contract was   |
|   |   |                  | ratified by the responsible board.       | ratified by the responsible board.       | ratified by the responsible board.       |
| x |   | date_issued      | date issued : When the contract was      | Date de signature : When the contract    | Ausgestellt am : When the contract was   |
|   |   |                  | issued to the client and signed by them. | was issued to the client and signed by   | issued to the client and signed by them. |
|   |   |                  |                                          | them.                                    |                                          |
| x |   | user_asd         | Responsible (GSS) : The responsible      | Titulaire (SSG) : La personne            | Verantwortlicher (ASD) : Die             |
|   |   |                  | person at the general social service.    | responsable au service social général.   | verantwortliche Person im allgemeinen    |
|   |   |                  |                                          |                                          | Sozialdienst.                            |
| x |   | exam_policy      | Examination Policy                       | Régime d'évaluation                      | Auswertungsstrategie                     |
| x |   | ending           | Reason of termination : The reason of    | Motif d'arrêt : The reason of prematured | Beendigungsgrund : The reason of         |
|   |   |                  | prematured ending.  Pointer to           | ending.  Pointer to ContractEnding       | prematured ending.  Pointer to           |
|   |   |                  | ContractEnding                           |                                          | ContractEnding                           |
| x |   | date_ended       | date ended : The date when this contract | Date de fin : The date when this         | Enddatum : The date when this contract   |
|   |   |                  | was effectively ended. This field is set | contract was effectively ended. This     | was effectively ended. This field is set |
|   |   |                  | to the same value as applies_until.      | field is set to the same value as        | to the same value as applies_until.      |
|   |   |                  |                                          | applies_until.                           |                                          |
| x |   | duration         | duration (days)                          | Jours ONSS                               | Dauer (Arbeitstage)                      |
|   | x | reference_person | reference person                         | persone de référence                     | Referenzperson                           |
|   | x | responsibilities | responsibilities                         | responsabilités                          | Aufgabenbereich                          |
|   | x | remark           | Remark                                   | Remarque                                 | Bemerkung                                |
| ? |   | type             | Type : The type of this contract.        | Type : The type of this contract.        | Art : The type of this contract. Pointer |
|   |   |                  | Pointer to a subclass of                 | Pointer to a subclass of                 | to a subclass of ContractTypeBase.       |
|   |   |                  | ContractTypeBase.                        | ContractTypeBase.                        |                                          |
| ? |   | job              | Job                                      | Poste de travail                         | Stelle                                   |
|   | x | regime           | Work Regime                              | Régime de travail                        | Arbeitsregime                            |
|   | x | schedule         | Work Schedule                            | Horaire                                  | Stundenplan                              |
|   | x | hourly_rate      | hourly rate                              | coût horaire                             | Stundensatz                              |
|   | x | refund_rate      | refund rate                              | tarif de remboursement                   | Rückzahlung                              |

Review the hierarchy of JobSupplyment, ContractPartnerBase, ContractBase mixins.

>>> print(' '.join([ for f in isip.ContractBase._meta.get_fields()]))
signer1 signer2 user printed_by client language applies_from applies_until date_decided date_issued user_asd exam_policy ending date_ended
>>> print(' '.join([ for f in isip.ContractPartnerBase._meta.get_fields()]))
company contact_person contact_role
>>> print(' '.join([ for f in jobs.JobSupplyment._meta.get_fields(include_parents=False)]))
signer1 signer2 user printed_by client language applies_from applies_until date_decided date_issued user_asd exam_policy ending date_ended duration reference_person responsibilities remark