Internal fork of a plugin

Friday, September 30, 2022

I started a new plugin as a copy of

I wrote a new utility function lino.api.doctest.show_field_translations().

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.mathieu.settings.demo')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *
>>> show_field_translations(jobs.Contract, "user user_asd", languages="en fr de")
| Field    | en                                    | fr                                     | de                                     |
| user     | Author : The person who created this  | Auteur : La personne qui a créé ce     | Autor : Die Person, die diesen Vertrag |
|          | contract.                             | contrat.                               | erstellt hat.                          |
| user_asd | Responsible (GSS) : The responsible   | Titulaire (SSG) : La personne          | Verantwortlicher (ASD) : Die           |
|          | person at the general social service. | responsable au service social général. | verantwortliche Person im allgemeinen  |
|          |                                       |                                        | Sozialdienst.                          |
>>> show_field_translations(jobs.JobProvider, "is_social", languages="en fr de")
=========== ================ ================== ================
 Field       en               fr                 de
----------- ---------------- ------------------ ----------------
 is_social   Social economy   Économie sociale   Sozialökonomie
=========== ================ ================== ================