Playing with Ibanity¶
Monday, January 13, 2025
We are not going to become a PEPPOL Access Point, but we can become partner with Ibanity. We pay them a yearly fee of 2400€ and for this we can give access to up to 200 customers. It’s not cheap but it’s a reasonable price.
Getting started¶
I opened an account on their developer portal. This is where we will create credentials for our customers.
They do not provide a web interface like Hermes where our customers would themselves manage their invoices. We must implement this interface in TIM. The TIM of my customers will connect to Ibanity using the credentials they get from us, and TIM must handle all events of the PEPPOL network: receiving invoices, sending invoices, verifying whether a business partner exists, …
They provide a sandbox application, which I can use to write and test how our software will access their API.
They have a Python Library, which “provides wrappers around the Ibanity API.”
I must now extend our accounting software TIM so that it uses the Ibanity API to access the Peppol network. I will create credentials for my customers in the Ibanity web interface. The TIM of my customers will connect to Ibanity using the credentials they get from me, and TIM must handle the events of the PEPPOL network: receiving invoices, sending invoices, verifying whether a business partner exists, …
I see that Ibanity had a Python library for accessing the API. But I also see that the last commit in this library is 7 years old, and this library is not published on PyPI, and there is no Python-specific documentation. I also know that I can make raw API calls from within Python. So here is my first question: Is this Python library actually being used by somebody? Is it a recommended way to use the Ibanity API?
My first script¶
Here is the first script I used for playing with Ibanity:
from pathlib import Path
import requests
client_id = "69d85961-7d68-474d-9ac2-426fdc71bab8"
pth = Path(f"~/.ssh/ibanity/application_{client_id}/")
pth = pth.expanduser()
cert_file = pth / "certificate.pem"
key_file = pth / "decrypted.private_key.pem"
s = requests.Session()
# s.cert = (key_file, cert_file)
s.cert = (cert_file, key_file)
r = s.get("")
I stored the client cert files in a directory below my ~/.ssh
I read
I had to decrypt the private key because Python’s requests module doesn’t support encrypted keys:
$ cd ~/.ssh/ibanity
$ openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -out decrypted_private_key.pem
Now I am getting:
ssl.SSLError: [SSL] PEM lib (_ssl.c:3900)
Maybe I specified key_file and cert_file in the wrong order. After inverting the order I get at least a response:
<Response [401]>
And 401 means “wrong credentials”. So what is wrong with my credentials?
I discovered the place in the python-ibanity library that does the connection:
I see that the python-ibanity package doesn’t use requests
. Why?
See Playing with Ibanity (continued).