Wednesday, April 12, 2017¶
I continued to explore #1649 which is really a tough one. I
added more debug messages in the hope of getting a clue. I changed
them from mysql-python to mysqlclient. No change. And then
finally I got it: it seems that the mysql client does not support
newstr! At least the problem disappears when I explicitly convert it
to a six.text_type()
before. IOW this problem is yet another one
caused by the future package! I created #1751.
Hamza worked on #1331, so I tried to activate it on cpaseupen:
Installed redis and channels, did pip install -U channels followed
by pip install ‘Django==1.9.12’, set their
to True. But my browser
continues to not ask me whether their site may send desktop
notifications… so I deactivated it again. But it seems that they
will get it soon!