Saturday, September 1, 2018¶
Today is a historic day:

This screenshot shows the Developer Guide test suite having passed on Travis CI under both Python 2 and 3. This happened for the first time in history. As a consequence I closed #36 now. If new problems arise, we will create individual tickets for them.
Thanks to Hamza and Gaetan for their work on this.
Of course there is more to do about it. Actually the latest big issue
was #1157, and this one is only half fixed. It currently
requires a special line in the requirements-python3.txt
-e svn+
as explained on Thursday, May 10, 2018. And I still don’t understand every detail. For example is the -e option needed?
The remaining big problem with #1157 is that as long as Appy for Python 3 is not on PyPI, we cannot ask Lino hosters and application developers to use Python 3. They continue to be stuck on Python 2. We can say that this is mostly their psychologic problem, but it becomes our problem since we want them to trust us.
Gaetan wrote “Pour la publication via pip, ce n’est pas encore prêt. Il faut que la suite de tests complète puisse fonctionner en Python 3, et je pense que c’est loin d’être le cas. Par ailleurs, bien que Luc et toi (et pas mal d’autres personnes) n’utilisez que la partie “pod” d’Appy, il y a beaucoup d’autres parties du framework sur lequel il reste pas mal de boulot (Appy est un framework complet pour développer des applis web en Python).”
This shows once more that for us (and those other guys who use only appy.pod without the whole web framework) Gaetan should split the pod part of appy out of the appy web framework and start maintaining two Python packages. But it seems that he is afraid of doing that step. Should I try once more to convince him?
Gaetan, my experience shows that it is easier to maintain several small packages than having one monolythic project. In the beginning of Lino I also had one single repository, now the Lino framework consists of more than a dozen of packages. I suggest to choose a completely new name for what is currently needed by appy.pod e.g. “appytools”. The appytools package would become to appy something like Atelier and etgen are for Lino: independent little packages maintained by the Lino team, which can be used by people who don’t use Lino.
General release workflow for Lino¶
I opened #2520 and started to write release notes for 2018-08-31 and Changelog.
Hamza and I noted that the tags created by inv release
only local until now. They exist only on Hamza’s machine. For future
releases they should automatically be pushed to become public:
git push origin v18.8.0
Hamza changed atelier to issue that addditional git push command. He also added the “v” in front of the version number (just because I have a feeling that numeric tag names might cause issues in git). He will review and update the atelier docs before pushing his work.
Now about the deployment workflow (#2520). This is important because we want to convince hosters that it is safe to provide stable hosting for existing Lino applications.
Imagine 18.8.0 is released. And there are hosters with production sites using that version. And then some urgent bug is reported. the production sites don’t want to upgrade.
We want to provide a version 18.8.1.
Getting notified about every commit¶
I still don’t get notified when Hamza or Tonis push some code change to some repository. Aha, thanks to stackoverflow I learned that GitHub has an RSS feed I can subscribe to:
Now that I can more easily review what the others are doing. I saw that Hamza used found a better solution for fixing the Python 2/3 problem I recently fixed in Building the Lino docs. I copied his solution.
Reviewing Hamza’s documentation changes¶
Cool! Hamza committed two changes in atelier together with the documentation:
But I am nit-picky. I reviewed his changes:
My comment: the changes.rst should be short and should not repeat what
is written in the docs (so I removed the duplicate text). You forget
to mention that inv release
it now also pushes the version tag.
And then I saw:
$ inv release --help
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] release [--options] [other tasks here ...]
Publish a new version to PyPI.
:param bool notag: If it's True, the command will not create a new tag.
-n, --notag
I vaguely remembered that pyinvoke can do better. A quick consultation of the documentation told me how to make it more elegant:
$ inv release --help
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] release [--options] [other tasks here ...]
Publish a new version to PyPI.
See for details.
-n, --notag Skip automatic creation of version tag
So I did a second review:
Hi Hamza, please don’t take my perfectionism too personal- actually I am very glad that you start to write docs. In a free software project, documenting what you do is at least as important as actually doing it. We all tend to forget this. One good reason for not always documenting immediately is that the changes might still be experimental.
This story also shows the benefits of reviewing the changes of your team members: it motivated me to think whether I liked Hamza’s change.