Thursday, September 27, 2018

After flattening the user roles hierarchy in Lino Welfare I still had quite some work to get everything behave as before. It was a risky operation if we consider that the end-users are currently very sensitive about changes they didn’t request. OTOH I am convinced that this was a necessary step in the right direction.

Just some example of the failures I had to sort out . The following was in docs/specs/mist.rst

-- countries.PlacesByPlace.duplicate : visible for 110 120 210 410 420 800 admin 910
+- countries.PlacesByPlace.duplicate : visible for 210 410 800 admin 910

This means that user types 110 and 120 have lost permission to see the duplicate action on countries.PlacesByPlace. But why?

To make this blog entry testable, we need to startup Lino on a given project. Above doctest uses the lino_welfare.projects.chatelet demo project:

>>> from lino import startup
>>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.chatelet.settings.doctests')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

First let’s see the required roles of this action:

>>> countries.PlacesByPlace.duplicate.required_roles

Empty set means no additional requirements for the action. So now let’s what the actor requires:

>>> countries.PlacesByPlace.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_xl.lib.contacts.roles.ContactsStaff'>])

Aha, so I had forgotten to add ContactsStaff in the base classes list when defining the IntegrationAgentManager role in lino_welfare.modlib.welfare.user_types.

Another one:

-- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.duplicate : visible for 100 110 120 200 210 300 400 410 420 admin 910
+- cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.duplicate : visible for 100 110 120 200 210 220 300 400 410 420 admin 910

Shows that 220 has been given permission to cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests

>>> cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.duplicate.required_roles
>>> cbss.IdentifyPersonRequests.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.cbss.roles.CBSSUser'>])
>>> reception.Clients.find_by_beid.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_xl.lib.beid.roles.BeIdUser'>])
>>> reception.Clients.required_roles
set([(<class ''>, <class ''>)])
>>> newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.assign_coach.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.newcomers.roles.NewcomersOperator'>])
>>> newcomers.AvailableCoachesByClient.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_welfare.modlib.newcomers.roles.NewcomersOperator'>])
>>> polls.AnswerRemarks.required_roles
set([<class 'lino_xl.lib.polls.roles.PollsUser'>])

Receptions clerks now see the CBSS panel of ClientDetail

A last failure (actually a double one in docs/specs/clients_eupen.rst and docs/tested/2015/0715.rst) was tricky:

-- **ZDSS** (cbss) [visible for 100 110 120 200 300 400 410 420 admin 910]:
+- **ZDSS** (cbss) [visible for 100 110 120 200 210 300 400 410 420 admin 910]:

Which means that user type 210 can now see the ZDSS panel (“ZDSS is German translation for BCSS”).

The ClientDetail used in these cases is defined in lino_welfare.projects.eupen.modlib.pcsw.models (it is different for Chatelet and Eupen, but this test is using Eupen). In Eupen they add a tab panel “cbss” at the end using this code:

if settings.SITE.is_installed('cbss'):
    ClientDetail.main += ' cbss'
    ClientDetail.cbss = dd.Panel("""
cbss_identify_person cbss_manage_access cbss_retrieve_ti_groups
    """, label=_("CBSS"), required_roles=dd.login_required(CBSSUser))

IOW the only condition for getting this panel is to be a CBSSUser. The surprising thing is that user type 210 has always been a CBSSUser. But the panel was indeed hidden to them before.

Since I didn’t understand why that panel was hidden to 210 before, I adpated the test cases:

  • 2018-09-27 15:00 in welfare: 1303aff

Only after pushing this, I found the explanation by looking at the code as it was before:

... required_roles=dd.login_required(SocialUser))

IOW that particular cbss panel requires SocialUser, not CBSSUser. I undid my changes in 1303aff:

En passant I stumbled into a bug in atelier: inv ct was broken, it said “AttributeError: ‘Project’ object has no attribute ‘name’”. I fixed it.