Tuesday, October 30, 2018

We realized that I forgot to adapt a cron job on Thursday, October 25, 2018 when we released the new version in cpaseupen. As a result, b2c bank statements did not yet get imported automatically. At that occasion Gerd and I realized that importing them once a day at 6:38 was not enough. Gerd asked me write documenation about all this stuff.

So I wrote documentation about the lino_xl.lib.b2c plugin (b2c : SEPA BankToCustomer and b2c: BankToCustomer SEPA). I drove me almost mad: I tried to test the menu path of the lino_xl.lib.b2c.ImportStatements action. It failed, and I before realizing that it was “just” because the demo projects have an empty import_statements_path I had optimized the API for show_menu_path (Which I deprecated and replaced by lino.core.requests.BaseRequest.show_menu_path()). And I converted b2c : SEPA BankToCustomer so that it uses lino_welfare.projects.eupen instead of lino_welfare.projects.std. Which required a bugfix in lino_xl.lib.finan.fixtures.payments because this fixture created a SEPA account for every partner, leading to duplicate partners per account because there are more Belgian partners than sample IBAN accounts.

I still far from being satisfied with the documentation. Writing documentation is really time-consuming. At least if you let me do it ;-)