Playing with Ibanity (continued)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I continued to play with Ibanity, based on what I learned some days ago. I successfully requested an access token, but how can I use this to send an outbound invoice? I do have an XML file generated by TIM or Lino as described in Lino and eInvoicing (PEPPOL).

Here is the script I used today:

from pathlib import Path
import requests
import base64
import sys
import json
from pprint import pprint

# Set EXAMPLE to 1 or 2, see

# Define client ID and secret
client_id = "69d85961-7d68-474d-9ac2-426fdc71bab8"
client_secret = "valid_client_secret"

# Define certificate and key file paths
cert_dir = Path(f"~/Documents/ibanity/application_{client_id}/").expanduser()
cert_file = cert_dir / "certificate.pem"
key_file = cert_dir / "decrypted_private_key.pem"

# Validate if the key and certificate files exist
if not cert_file.exists():
    raise Exception(f"Error: Certificate file not found at {cert_file}")

if not key_file.exists():
    raise Exception(f"Error: Private key file not found at {key_file}")

# Base64 encode client_id and client_secret for Basic Auth
client_credentials = f"{client_id}:{client_secret}"
encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(client_credentials.encode()).decode()

# Create an HTTPS session
s = requests.Session()

# Attach client certificate and key to the session
s.cert = (cert_file, key_file)

# Add the Authorization header
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Basic {encoded_credentials}",
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",  # Required for OAuth2 requests

url = ""
data = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"}
    response =, data=data, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
    raise Exception(f"SSL Error: {e}. Please ensure your certificate and private key are correct and properly configured.")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    raise Exception(f"Request Error: {e}")
if response.status_code != 200:
    raise Exception(f"Unexpected response status code: {response.status_code}")
rv = json.loads(response.text)
access_token = rv['access_token']

# Same headers dict used in all examples
headers = {
    "Accept": "application/vnd.api+json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"

# I don't know whether the access token allows multiple requests, so I skip
# this one for example 2.
if EXAMPLE == 1:
    print("Get a list of suppliers")
    url = ""
    response = s.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception(f"Unexpected status code {response.status_code} for GET {url}")
    rv = json.loads(response.text)

# Customer search. Check whether my customer exists.
# Belgian participants are registered with the Belgian company number, for which
# identifier 0208 can be used. Optionally, the customer can be registered with
# their VAT number, for which identifier 9925 can be used.

if EXAMPLE == 2:
    print("Customer search")
    url = ""
    eas = "9925"
    vat_id = "BE0010012671"
    # vat_id = "BE0840559537"
    # headers are the same as before, plus a new header "Content-Type"
    headers["Content-Type"] = "application/vnd.api+json"
    # pprint(headers)
    data = {
        "type": "peppolCustomerSearch",
        "attributes": {
          "customerReference": f"{eas}:{vat_id}"
    # data = {"data": data}
    response =, headers=headers, data=data)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(response.text) # line added 20250121
        raise Exception(f"Unexpected status code {response.status_code} for POST {url}")
    rv = json.loads(response.text)

When EXAMPLE is 1 in this script, it asks for a list of suppliers. And this works. Here is the output

{'data': [{'attributes': {'city': 'Leuven',
                          'companyNumber': '1234567890',
                          'contactEmail': '',
                          'country': 'Belgium',
                          'createdAt': '2025-01-18T15:10:56.719813Z',
                          'email': '',
                          'enterpriseIdentification': {'enterpriseNumber': '1234567890',
                                                       'vatNumber': 'BE1234567890'},
                          'homepage': '',
                          'ibans': [{'id': 'bdfa52c6-2b50-4690-8b8d-24541a92c578',
                                     'value': 'BE68539007547034'},
                                    {'id': 'dcb9f7c2-be2c-4b52-8d77-3ed2bc05c5f8',
                                     'value': 'BE68539007547034'}],
                          'names': [{'id': '3dffba33-97af-4477-9fab-2d9d2dc31cee',
                                     'value': 'Company'},
                                    {'id': '99e410cc-d6f0-4f36-8096-949741ea8ec3',
                                     'value': 'Company S.A.'}],
                          'onboardingStatus': 'CREATED',
                          'peppolReceiver': False,
                          'phoneNumber': '+3254321121',
                          'street': 'Street',
                          'streetNumber': '2',
                          'supportEmail': '',
                          'supportPhone': '+3212345121',
                          'supportUrl': '',
                          'zip': '3000'},
           'id': '273c1bdf-6258-4484-b6fb-74363721d51f',
           'type': 'supplier'}],
 'meta': {'paging': {'number': 0, 'size': 2000, 'total': 1}}}

But until further notice I hope that TIM doesn’t need to care about suppliers because our users will use their online banking application to see their purchase invoices, and they will simply enter them manually into TIM as they are used to do right now.

What TIM users will need to do is a check whether their customer exists. That’s documented in Peppol Customer Search.

Today’s script does exactly this when EXAMPLE is 2. But until now I always get 400 (Bad Request):

Customer search
{'attributes': {'customerReference': '9925:BE0010012671'},
 'type': 'peppolCustomerSearch'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../", line 93, in <module>
    raise Exception(f"Unexpected status code {response.status_code} for POST {url}")
Exception: Unexpected status code 400 for POST

What am I missing?

20250121: Geoffrey helped me to get a bit more of information. I forgot to look at response.text when response.status_code isn’t 200. Here is the missing bit:

{"errors":[{"code":"invalidPayload","detail":"The submitted payload could not be parsed.",